Friday 27th January 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
RE Strike Action Wednesday 1st February – school closure
This letter is a follow up to the letter sent to families earlier in the week.
We have many staff who are members of the NEU and whilst staff try to be supportive in letting us know whether they will or will not be on strike, we will not be made fully aware of their intentions until the morning of the strike.
The School and Trust have considered the issues of the safe supervision of students on 1st February given the number of teachers striking. The significantly reduced staffing levels across our school mean that the school will be closed to all students on 1st February.
Learning during closure
As the school will be closed to students on this day, teachers will not be setting work. However, there are age appropriate work links available on the class pages of the school website, linked to the current topics and learning in school which children can access. Class Pages | Botley School
Free School Meals
At this stage, the catering company have informed us that they cannot provide packed meals for families in receipt of free school meals to collect so we are currently seeking alternatives. We will confirm any arrangements we can put in place with specific families at the beginning of next week.
While the school has been formally notified by trade unions of their intention to strike, there is also the possibility that through ongoing negotiations the strike may not take place. As you may be aware the dispute is between the unions and the government. We will keep you informed as the situation develops through ‘Classlist’ and the school website as things progress.
There will be separate communications in relation to the planned action on 2nd, 15th and 16th March.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Jo Reid BA(hons) PGCE MA NPQH