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Early Years

Children entering school will be expected, by the end of their Reception year, to have reached or made good progress towards the Early Learning Goals as outlined in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children will be given opportunities to speak, listen and represent their ideas in a range of activities as well as develop a life-long love of reading. They will have opportunities to use communication, language and literacy across the seven main areas of learning and development that prepares children for the English curriculum in Key Stage 1 and is consistent with the National Curriculum 2014. 


At Botley School we want children to develop a love of books and mark making. If children are exposed to a wide range of print (stories, non-fiction text, magazines, recipes, instructions, signs, labels etc.) they will see the purpose for reading and writing. 


We create exciting and stimulating areas for children to explore text in a variety of ways where adults model the skills and techniques of reading and writing as well as the language to develop own story telling and narrative. We provide a variety of writing opportunities within our continuous provision so children are able to use a range of tools to make marks and know marks carry meaning. 


We use cross curricular planning in order for children to make links and provide purposeful learning. This is linked to our topic themes as well as the children’s interests. 


Please click on the link below to see how you can support your child with phonics, reading and writing in EYFS.
