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'Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.'

Marie Curie

Science Vision Statement

Our vision is to teach, encourage and develop children’s minds to be curious and enthusiastic about science. They will grow into young scientists who are inspired to learn about the world around us and to be challenged about tomorrow’s global issues.


At Botley school, pupils will follow a Science curriculum which aspires for our children to become curious and investigative scientists. There is focus on scientific process that should enable individuals and groups to develop an understanding of the physical and biological aspects of the world. An introduction to scientific methods contributes to the preparation of children for their working lives, as well as their intellectual development. We will deliver the entire Primary National Curriculum for Science as well as provide enrichment opportunities. Our approach to teaching science as an intrinsic part of topic-based learning and is based on practical and investigative experiences that engage and excite our children at a variety of levels. 

Our principles are based around the learning, teaching and wider opportunities that we can share with children at Botley School.

Science should be recognised as a core subject, whilst knowing that it is also different in that it should bring about lots of opportunities to explore with hands-on, practical investigation.  Children should be encouraged to be creative, whilst realising that science is a ‘work in progress’ and it can always be improved.

Good quality talk and explanation should come from science allowing children to develop their thinking skills and expressing themselves in a safe environment. Big questions are asked so that children can apply their prior knowledge and take risks on giving new answers.  Thus, lessons should be engaging and exciting opportunities which are accessible to all children.

We encourage children to honest yet rigorous with their monitoring and understand that science is based in results and facts that we then have to use results to make our own decisions.

At Botley School, we have a wealth of outdoor grounds and expertise in Forest School staff that can be utilised to enhance science lessons wherever possible.  Again, engaging in practical outdoor work makes the experience more connected to our classroom learning.  Science should also be relevant to children’s other learning and therefore making it as cross-curricular as possible and using other skills learnt in English and maths.

We actively seek to inspire the children with science in the World by celebrating global events like STEM week, Space Week, UN International Women’s Day in Science and more.  We invite parents in STEM fields to talk to classes, phases and the whole school; as well as inviting other science professionals to inspire the children.

Botley School has agreed upon seven core aims for great teaching and learning of science:
S is for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) - we all enjoy it and have fun
C is for curiosity: we ask questions and make decisions about what to investigate & how 

I is for investigations: we engage in hands on experiences across all investigation types
E is for equipment: we use a range of technical apparatus to develop skills
N is for new ideas: we think deeply, share thoughts, explore ideas & make discoveries
C is for context: we make links to scientific processes in other subjects & everyday life 
E is for explaining: we can talk & write about our learning using scientific vocabulary



Science Progression Map

Science in the Early Years

Science Principles and Vision Poster

We are very pleased to announce that we have achieved PSQM status at Botley School.
