“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face and you will always look lovely.”
Roald Dahl
PSHE Vision Statement
Developing life skills which will enable pupils to manage change, make healthy and safe choices, build character and become resilient, reflective and responsible members of society.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is a distinct curriculum subject and has both statutory and non-statutory elements as defined by the DfE. High quality PSHE education supports pupils’ personal, social, health and economic development, helps to give them the knowledge, skills, strategies and attributes to make informed choices and decisions about the different opportunities and challenges life presents. Pupils will learn about relationships, health and wellbeing, keeping safe, managing their off and online lives, living in the wider world and financial education at an age appropriate level. Providing a high quality PSHE curriculum gives pupils opportunities to explore issues that are real and relevant to them in their daily lives in a safe and managed environment.
We aim to provide high quality PSHE provision that will support pupils to develop life skills which will enable them to manage change, make healthy and safe choices, build character and be resilient, reflective and responsible members of society.
Our PSHE provision has been designed to be age appropriate, following the ‘PHSE Association’ curriculum,, whilst being sensitive to the needs of our whole school community to ensure PSHE provision gives our pupils an education which will support them both now and in the future.
Our PSHE provision is underpinned by the 2010 Equalities Act and provides an inclusive curriculum that promotes understanding and mutual respect for all. We reflect diversity within our curriculum to ensure that no pupil feels excluded and teach pupils to understand, respect and celebrate difference and challenge stigma.
Our PSHE provision extends beyond the curriculum and includes themed days / weeks, assemblies and fully supports our school’s ethos and values ( see links with our SMSC calendar) PSHE is part of our school’s broad and balanced curriculum supporting spiritual, moral cultural, social and cultural education, citizenship, equalities, and safeguarding.
The personal, social, health and economic development of our pupils is a vital element of education and we aim to work collaboratively with parents/ carers to ensure our children are well informed and supported to make healthy , safe and positive choices in all aspects of their daily lives. - the three core themes being: Health and well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World