Apple Class Miss Jones |
Ms Fiaz |
Miss Jones | Ms Fiaz |
Ms Ali |
Mrs Au | Mrs Lica
Mrs Preston |
Mrs Lica
Here are some links below that support our learning in school
Year 1 - White Rose Maths Home Learning
Year 2 - White Rose Maths Home Learning
The snail and the whale by Julia Donaldson
Pirates Love Underpants by Claire Freedman
The suitcase by Chris Naylor Ballesteros
The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas
Our Geography topic this term is
Oak academy why is our school special
In the case of a whole class isolation, all home study work will be set on Microsoft Teams.
Visit office 365 to login
Homework will be provided through Homework books:
Year 1 and 2 expectations:
Don't forget to stay safe online. Have a look at the activities with your Parents and Carers on our Online Safety page. Click Here
Please make sure you carefully monitor your child's use of the Internet and check the appropriateness of websites. If you or your child has any concerns, you can report this to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) by clicking here.
Please remember that your children have personal logins to the following fantastic websites: