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KS1 - Year 1 & 2

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Welcome to the Year 1 & 2 page

Apple Class

Miss Jones


Poplar Class

Ms Fiaz




Staff in Year 1 & 2

Miss Jones

Ms Fiaz


Ms Ali

Mrs Au

Mrs Lica







Mrs Preston





                                                                Mrs Lica




Homework will be provided through Homework books:


Year 1 and 2 expectations:

  • 10 minutes daily reading and record it in your reading records
  • A Maths activity 
  • 10 spelling words
  • Number bonds 


Stay Safe Online

Don't forget to stay safe online. Have a look at the activities with your Parents and Carers on our Online Safety page.  Click Here


Please make sure you carefully monitor your child's use of the Internet and check the appropriateness of websites. If you or your child has any concerns, you can report this to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) by clicking here.

Useful Websites




Please remember that your children have personal logins to the following fantastic websites:

Year 1 & 2 Teacher Contact Form
