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PE and Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


P.E. at Botley School

At Botley School all Children from Reception to Year 6 take part in P.E. Each child is placed in a coloured team. either Red, Green, Blue or Yellow.


These teams are used for intra school sports events, such as Sports Day and Phase sports afternoons, (We try and place siblings in the same team as far as possible.)


P.E. Kit.


It is expected that children have their P.E. kit in school every day. 
Children will need: Plimsolls, shorts and a team colour T-shirt for indoor P.E.
 Jogging bottoms, sweatshirts and trainers for outdoor activities.

For safety reasons long hair must be tied back.

Jewellery is not allowed to be worn in school but if, for any reason it has to be, it must be removed for P.E.


Botley School P.E. T-shirts can be bought from the school office £5 each.




Funding in Physical Education

The PE and Sports Funding Strategy Plan for 2022 2023 is in draft form until it is ratified by the Governing Body on October 3rd 2023.
