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School Values

Creating Excellence, Embracing All




Our Botley School Vision is of:

 A high-quality education in a positive and happy school, where everyone is included, celebrated and encouraged to be a creative lifelong learner.

Our Shared Values are:

Inclusivity  Teamwork  Kindness

Respect  Resilience  Creativity

How Did We Decide on Our Shared Values?


During the academic year 2021 2022, we consulted on our Vision for the future and the Values we wish to nurture at Botley School. 


We began this work by consulting with pupils, staff, parents, governors and community leaders in the Autumn Term 2021.  The slides for our Vision and Values Consultation Evening are available below. 

How are we embedding our Vision and Values?


To begin with Mrs Reid led Whole School Assemblies on each value in turn. The Presentations for these are available below. Our Whole School Weekly Assemblies always refer to our values and we use the language of our values when we talk about learning and behaviour on a daily basis.

Our pupils have made wonderful values displays around the school and in their classrooms. All of these actions have embedded our shared vision and values swiftly into the daily life of the school.  
