Gross motor activities which develop control, coordination and spatial awareness:
- Go on walks, runs and bike/scooter rides.
- Climb trees or use playground equipment.
- Dance!
- Sweep leaves/sand etc. outside.
- Play ball games.
- Digging in sand or mud.
- Exercising.
- Why not try Cosmic kids yoga:
Fine motor activities - It is really important for children to practise their fine motor skills through activities such as:
- A range of mark making activities using crayons, pencils, chalk, paint brushes etc. You could use paint brushes and water outside on sheds, fences, pavements etc.
- Puzzles – develops the pincer grip (thumb and index finger.)
- Playdough – manipulate by squeezing, rolling, stretching, pinching.
- Using scissors during cutting and sticking activities.
- Threading/lacing activities – develops the pincer grip and hand-eye coordination.
- Washing up toys in the sink or outside in a bucket with bubbles and sponges/flannels. Squeezing is really good for strengthening hand and finger muscles.
- Pegging up laundry.
These fine motor activities help to build up the small muscles in children’s hands and fingers so that they are strong in order for them to learn to hold a pencil and begin to write.
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Take a look at the different fun activities you can do. The children love these!