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Applying for a Reception place

Please note, this page is currently being revised. 

Introduction to Early Years at Botley

Our Early Years is a busy, happy and playful place to be. Children are free to choose between a wide range of inside and outside activities e.g. painting, playdough, sand and water play, construction toys, role play, stories and rhymes, singing and dancing, climbing, mark-making, number and problem-solving activities.

Our highly trained staff get to know the children very well and we aim to provide personalised learning, development and care. We carefully observe and assess children's interests and progress within the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.'

We pride ourselves on our relationships with our parents and this is supported through the use of our learning journey tool ‘Tapestry’ where observations are captured and shared. This is a great tool as parents can easily see the learning taking place in school as well as upload their own observations, comments and photos that can be shared in school.

Introduction to key staff

Laura Jones – EYFS Lead and Reception Teacher


Shabana Zulfiqar – TA

Carla Renee – TA



Anna Callow – TA 


Cheryl Wilkins – Early Years Professional (Tuesday - Thursday)





Azra Randawa – TA (Mornings)


Isabel Cortes – TA

Sharon Hemsley – Nursery Nurse (Monday and Friday)



Virtual tour

Coming soon

Visits and tour of the school

We have organised several open events for this term.

Information about Reception from Virtual Meeting

Transition into Nursery

You can register your interest in a Nursery place by completing an enrolment form (see documents below) and returning it to our School Office. In the term that your child turns 3years old, we will contact you to confirm your child's place. You will receive a welcome letter with details about the 15hour and 30hour funding, as well as the induction pack. The induction pack will be full of information about the school and Nursery including details about our sessions. You will also receive details about your child's key person, a date for a meeting to discuss your child on a one-to-one basis and the dates for our come and play sessions.


Transition for starting Reception

Once your child has been allocated a school place with us, you will receive a welcome letter which will outline the events for the summer term along with the induction pack. The induction pack will be full of information about the school and Reception, including details about the school day, uniform etc. You will also receive details about your child’s class teacher and a date for a meeting to discuss your child on a one-to-one basis. In the Summer term, we will contact your child’s current Nursery/Pre-School and hopefully organise visits to meet your child in their current setting. We will invite you and your child to our transition days where they will be able to spend time in the environment, meet the staff and the other children who will join their class.

How to support your child in preparation for starting Reception

Further information

Please take a look at the Early Years section of our website for further information. You can visit our Early Years Class Page for regular updates about the learning taking place each term.

Admissions arrangements
