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Multiplication and Division

Pupils should be able to:


  • Identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers.
  • Know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (nonprime) numbers.
  • Establish whether a number up to 100 is prime and recall prime numbers up to 19.
  • Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one- or two-digit number using a formal written method, including long multiplication for two-digit numbers.
  • Multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts.
  • Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using the formal written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context.
  • Multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
  • Recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (2) and cubed (3).
  • Solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes.
  • Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the meaning of the equals sign.
  • Solve problems involving multiplication and division, including scaling by simple fractions and problems involving simple rates.