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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Botley


Every child is entitled to receive fair access to the curriculum and school life.

We aim to ensure that every child and teacher is given an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential.

In addition, each individual is entitled to learn, teach or work in a supportive environment and to benefit from the diversity of our school community.


To meet these aims, we are committed to:

  • Ensuring equal access and treatment for everyone: We endeavour to achieve inclusion of all children whilst meeting their individual needs.
  • A focus on individual progress as the main indicator of success.
  • Providing adapted learning opportunities for all children, including those learning English as an additional language, and providing materials appropriate to children’s interests and abilities.  This ensures that all children have full access to the school curriculum.
  • Being responsive to changing needs
  • Avoiding prejudice by promoting mutual respect and British Values
  • Working to an agreed code of conduct which can be modified, monitored and evaluated in accordance with current best practice in the area of equal opportunities.
  • Educating and informing children, staff and parents about the issues in this policy



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champions


In February 2023 Botley school launched a working party of staff and parents to discuss aspects of DEI at Botley school. This September (2023) we have launched a pupil DEI Champions group who will meet with the working party to focus on how we can make sure DEI is at the centre of school life here at Botley. This is also part of a much larger Acer Trust commitment to DEI which was launched in September with all staff meeting together for key note speeches. 


As part of this launch, pupils from across the trust were interviewed by our CEO Mr Nathan Thomas, and recorded two videos: 'What do we value?' and 'What is not OK?' 


The responses are thought provoking and demonstrate how important these issues are for our children. Please use the links below to watch the videos. 


Equality Act

The Equality Act 2010 brought together all the legal requirements on equality that the private, public and voluntary sectors need to follow. It affects equality law at work and in delivery all kinds of services and in the context of this policy in all aspects of the provision of an education. Whether at work as an employee or in using a service, the message (or purpose) of the Act is that everyone has the right to be treated fairly at work or when using services.


The Act protects people from discrimination on the basis of certain characteristics and they vary slightly according to whether the person is at work or using a service.


The Public Sector Equality Duty encompasses General and Specific duties in promoting equality across the full range of protected characteristics, namely:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage or Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation


Age is a protected characteristic within the Equality Act (2010), but not in relation to pupils of any age in a school.

Botley School ensures that no parent, carer, employee or anyone associated with the school is discriminated against because of their age.


Equality of opportunity is a fundamental aspect of the ethos at Botley School.  It is the responsibility of the governors, Headteacher and all personnel involved in the school to provide leadership in the development and implementation of effective policies to promote equality of opportunity.

Botley Equality Objectives


Overall Success Criteria:

  • All the Botley School community are accepted, their individuality is celebrated and they feel a sense of belonging to the school, the wider local community local and global community.
  • All individuals promote and model respect for each other and our rights.
  • Staff, pupil, parent and community voice reflects the inclusive ethos that celebrates diversity and equality in our vision and values.





Success criteria

Lead Responsibility



To ensure that all pupils and staff have equality of opportunities in the classroom, the curriculum and site.

Ensure all staff, parents and children support our school values and British Values as identified by the DfE.

Clubs will be open to all pupils

Staff will avoid separating groups according to sex.

The school will provide positive role models for all walks of life across sexes.

The school will review the curriculum to ensure an equitable balance of positive role models.

Analysis of Assessment data will be used to ensure equitable access to the curriculum and promote positive outcomes.


Pupils’ outcomes are positive for boys and girls.

Boys and girls access school equipment, games and opportunities with equity.


All staff and pupils feel welcome in all areas of school life and that the school provides a safe environment, regardless of sex.


Senior Leadership Team



To facilitate an open respect for all races represented in the school and wider community.


Promote a deep understanding of our pupils in a multi-cultural Britain.

Any racist incident is thoroughly investigated and perpetrator receives suitable and age appropriate sanctions and additional educational intervention.


British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural concepts are embedded ion the curriculum and the programme of school assemblies.


Attainment outcomes for groups is monitored and support established

All individuals promote and model for those of different races.


The pupils and school community have a good understanding of Botley School values and British Values, and how they are taught in school.


Staff, pupil, parent and community voice reflects the inclusive ethos that celebrates diversity and equality in our vision and values.


Outcomes and progress from individual starting points are good for all pupil groups.


Senior Leadership Team



To ensure all staff are aware of and understand disabilities; how to identify them and how they can be supported within and beyond Botley School.


To ensure that all disabled pupils, staff and parents or carers have all reasonable adjustments made for them.


When planning activities, school staff to be aware of all members of their class- including those with non-visible difficulties and ensure the curriculum is adapted to ensure needs are met with equity


The school will regularly review and update the Accessibility Plan and Policy to match the needs of the school community


Individual medical care plans, individual risk assessments, SEND profiles and inclusion action plans will be used to ensure needs are met

Attainment outcomes for groups monitored and support is established to ensure all groups make good progress.

School records (Pupil Profiles, Pupil Premium Record etc.) demonstrate good progress of SEND pupils in all aspects of school life.

INSET, staff meetings on disability awareness to widen general knowledge.

Disability awareness

Senior Leadership Team


Religion and Belief

To facilitate an open respect for different faiths and beliefs in the school community.


Promote a deep understanding of our pupils in a multi-cultural Britain.

Ensure all staff, parents and children support our school values and British Values as identified by the DfE.


Teach a broad and balanced RE curriculum which reflects the religions represented in the school community


The school will actively celebrate a diversity of faith / belief events and holidays.


The school community have a good understanding of British Values and model these in school.


Attainment analysis for RE demonstrates a high level of understanding of different faiths.

Senior Leadership Team


Sexual   Orientation

To ensure that we are accepted as individuals and know that we belong in an open and supportive environment.

The school will hold regular assemblies on protected characteristics including sexual orientation.

The school will follow the anti-bullying policy and procedures and the Restorative and Positive Behaviour Policies to ensure all incidents linked to sexual orientation are managed well.

The school will follow the Relationships and Sex Education policy and scheme of work in school.

The RSE policy will go through a consultation process on an annual basis.

All pupils and staff feel that Botley School is a safe space and free from homophobia.


All pupils and staff thrive within the school environment.

Senior Leadership Team


Gender   Reassignment

To ensure that we are accepted as individuals and know that we belong in an open and supportive environment.

The school will follow the Accessibility Plan and Policy. When planning refurbishments the school will ensure consideration of gender-neutral facilities, in addition to separate sex facilities for older pupils.

All pupils and staff feel included in school.

All pupils and staff feel that the school facilities provide them with safe spaces.

Senior Leadership Team


Pregnancy and   Maternity

To ensure all personnel are supported through pregnancy and maternity and are not subject to discrimination, whether directly or indirectly.

The school will follow the Acer Trust Policies and schemes to support the workforce, including:

Maternity Scheme; Paternity scheme; Shared Parental Leave Policy.


The school will also follow the Acer Trust policies for Adoption leave.

Staff are not discriminated against for promotion if they are parents, maternity programmes and KIT days support progression when career gaps are taken.

Senior Leadership Team



To ensure that all staff are treated with equity and age discrimination is challenged throughout the workforce.

The school will follow the Acer Trust Safer Recruitment Policy and recruitment guidelines to prevent age discrimination during the recruitment.


The school will make sure all its employees, no matter what their age, are made aware of opportunities for training and personal development; use constructive and regular career/work-life discussions with all employees to identify training needs that benefit employees and the organisation; be reasonable, flexible and considerate about when and where training takes place.

Staff of all ages access quality CPD opportunities to progress their career

Staff are employed according to their experience and qualifications, not their age.

All staff feel supported and welcomed, enabling them to support good outcomes for pupils in school.

Senior Leadership Team


























































