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Use the links below to help your child become a confidant Mathematician.


A good Start in Maths

Did you know that children with good numeracy skills are more likely to earn more, stay in education longer and have more chance of actually being in work when they grow up?

Children are born with an innate mathematical ability and research has shown that parents have a massive effect on how this develops. Even if you feel you aren’t good at maths, there are things you can do with your child now that will make a big difference to their ability:


It’s all about confidence… 
For children to be good at maths, they need to feel confident about giving it a go. Praising your child for their effort, not their ability, will increase their confidence and make them hungry to learn more.


Positivity is the key… 
Children who succeed at maths are usually the ones who enjoy it most, so remember – maths is fun, everyone! Yep – just keep telling yourself that, even if that’s not the way you remember it from your own childhood. We all know how easily children pick up on the things we say, so it’s vital that you don’t pass on your dislike or fear of maths by saying things like ‘I was never any good at maths’ or ‘I hated maths at school’ etc…



RM Easimaths - Free - ipad and Android

Mathletics Student - Free - ipad

onebillion - Free - ipad

Number Monsters - £1.99 - iPhone, iPad, Android

Wee Kids Math - 69p - iphone, ipad

Leila and the Little Folk - £1.99 - Android

Math Bingo - 69p - ipad, iphone, Android

Times Tables: Squeebles multiplication - 69p - iPhone, iPad and Android

Squeebles multiplication 2 - £1.49 - iPhone, iPad and Android


If you know of any good apps please let us know.
