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Headteacher's Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome

Botley School is just outside Oxford City and we welcome all children and their parents to our school. We take pride in its wonderful and diverse community. Joined together by our shared values, we celebrate what makes us unique and learn from one another.  


Our motto is:

‘Creating Excellence, Embracing All’


Our school values were chosen by our pupils, staff, parents, governors and members of our wider community and link directly to our motto. They are:


Inclusivity, Teamwork, Kindness, Respect, Resilience, and Creativity.


Within our positive learning culture, we strive to equip our children for today’s modern ever- changing world, to meet and overcome any challenges they may face so that they can become happy, healthy, well-balanced young people ready for their next stage in education.


Our pupils, staff, governors and parents are firmly embedded in our school ethos, having clear expectations and supporting the high standards we instil in all members of our school community.   We have high quality, motivated staff working together to provide a flexible, challenging and broad knowledge and skills-based curriculum, and a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, delivered through a variety of activities both within and outside the school.


We welcome prospective parents and visitors on tours of our wonderful school and have a series of specific sessions for prospective parents which can be found on the new starters' page of the website. If you would like any further information or to speak to a member of staff, please do contact the school office and we will be delighted to tell you all about Botley School. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our school. 


Mrs Jo Reid 

