We hope you have had a good half term. We would like to update you on the plans for reopening Botley School now that we have had the latest announcements made by Government.
School will reopen for Years 1 and 6 from 8th June. These children will be invited to school for two days a week within a bubble of no more than 15 children - some 10 or 12 children, depending on the size of the classroom. Parents of children in these year groups have been contacted and will receive further details early next week.
Children of critical workers and other children who have been attending school during this time will be in school each day as over the last ten weeks.
Children in Reception will be invited back from 15th June at the latest. Children in other year groups will hopefully be back as soon as we know how social distancing etc has worked and in line with Government guidelines. Online work will continue for all in line with what is being taught in school. You will see that the teachers from Years 1-4 have devised thematic projects which start on Monday 1st June with 'Dinosaurs.'
Teachers will be in school next week getting the classrooms and school ready to ensure we minimise the risks of contagion and continuing to welcome the children of critical workers.
From our communications with parents over the last couple of weeks we can see that there are so many worries and frustrations about children returning to school and our team are so looking forward to the day when we are all back again.
We hope this has made the current picture clearer and we will continue to update you when we have firmer plans for getting us all back to school again. Please ring or email office.2569@botley.oxon.sch.uk if we can be of further help.
Look forward to seeing you all soon
The Botley School Team