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Ramadan Arrangements

Dear Parents/Carers,

Further to my email consulting on the Ramadan and Fasting policy, I am very pleased to announce that the newly formed Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) working group met last week to discuss the policy and the arrangements in school. I would like to thank the members of the EDI working group for their time last week, and to celebrate a positive and powerful start to our work together.


The draft policy will be discussed at the governor's meeting tomorrow, Tuesday 21st March. That said, I felt it was important for our parents and community to see this as soon as possible, given that Ramadan could begin on Thursday this week, 23rd March. If there are any substantive changes to the policy, I will send another communication on Wednesday morning. You can read the draft policy here


Please read the policy and complete the notification form if your child will be fasting in school. The form is in the appendix to the policy, or is available through a Microsoft form. Paper copies will also be available in the main office.


We have 2 designated spaces which will be made available to pupils and staff from 12:15 to 12:45 for those who wish to participate in midday prayers. The prayer space will normally be the music room, however, there are times when this room is already in use. On these days, the prayer space will be the library. Staff will notify the children where the prayer space is on each day.

If you have any further questions about the arrangements for Ramadan at Botley School, please do speak to Mrs Reid or Miss Fiaz.

