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Friday 26th May is our May Dancing event 1.30pm followed by Parent Workshare

Dear Parents and carers, 

On Friday 26th May 2023 we will be celebrating the Botley School tradition of our annual May Dancing afternoon.  Children have been practising a variety of traditional dances and have been working hard to learn the steps and to work in teams to make each class dance a treat.  We warmly invite you to come along and watch the dancing from 1.30pm in the school playground.   

Children should come to school dressed in clothing appropriate for the event – if they would like to, they could wear dresses, neat shirts and trousers or shorts.  However, if they would rather stay in neat school uniform that would be fine.  Please have a word with your class teacher if you need any more information. 

This event is always affected by the weather – please ensure you have looked at the forecast and help your child to apply sun lotion if the day looks hot and ensure the children have their water bottles with them in school which we can fill up before the dancing starts.  If it rains on the day, as we have very little room in our hall for spectators, unfortunately the dancing will have to be shown to the children only.  Please watch out for the weather forecast. 

Dontt forget that after all the dancing our classes will be open to parents to come and share the children’s work in our WORKSHARE event -  3.15pm to 4.15 pm 

Thanks for your support and hope to see you there. 

Best wishes, 

The Botley School Team 
